Omicron Llama

Coding all day, every day.

February, 2014

Freebie: Round-Robin SPServer Selector

Here’s a nice little freebie I thought I’d share. I have a scenario where I have a rather large batch process to run that I’ve decided to split up by creating dozens of timer jobs that process chunks of the batch, and also let me split the the job across all my SharePoint servers! You […]

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SharePoint Server Object Model Code in ASP.NET Pages

This article concerns using the SharePoint Server Object model code within ASP.NET pages that are hosted on NON SharePoint web applications. Granted – for the majority of use-cases you would rather use the SharePoint Managed Client Object Model to perform the majority of your operations – but for the odd occasion where you have a […]

Fun with AllowUnsafeUpdates

I’ve heard a little confusion lately about the use of the property “AllowUnsafeUpdates” on the SPWeb object and when it should be used. So I decided to do a little digging. According to MSDN, the definition of the property is: Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to allow updates to the database […]

Subtle hints from Microsoft?

Ok, so as partners, we are constantly faced with the decision of using either “SharePoint Social streams” or Yammer when deploying SharePoint to customers. The last I heard about this was from Jeremy Thake’s keynote speech at the SharePoint Saturday UK conference in November 2013. His guidance then was essentially: On premises (or otherwise self […]

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